Sunday, January 2, 2011

And so it begins...

My boyfriend just started a new blog.  I casually mentioned that I never started one because I felt I had little or no opinion on most things; he told me that that's why I could blog - it would force me to think about things. 

I am starting 2011 off as a different person.  I have graduated from college.  I have an apartment, and I will (hopefully) soon have a job.  When I was not stressed out by school in 2010 I did a decent job of running a few days a week.  Once my previous injuries started acting up, I took a break to revitalise and, since I was enjoying not getting up till 7am and having time in the evenings to work on school (or non-school) related things, I never started again.  I want to change this in 2011.  I want to run or exercise not simply because I need to get back in shape, but because it makes me a happier person.  I can be somewhat bipolar when it comes to my moods on an daily, or hourly, or minute, basis.  When I was running, these mood changes were not as dramatic and I was, in general, a better, more pleasant person to be around.  And I liked myself more. 

I don't know if I want to make 2011 resolutions, per se, but there are some things I would like to accomplish and resolution is as good a word as any.  As I said, I would like to be a happier person, therefore I would like to exercise on a semi-regular basis.  I would like to get back into reading.  As a teenager I read daily; and then I went to college.   Depending on the book, it would take anywhere from a few hours to a few days to finish if you had nothing else to do.  I never had a few days free in college, and I didn't like reading for only an hour here or there.  So I ended up watching shows instead; it was so much easier to watch a fifty minute show for a break than to try and constrain my reading time to only an hour.    I missed reading, but whenever I started a book I always ended up sleep deprived or behind on my work.  Since I am out of school for nine months, I want to try and catch up on all the reading I missed over the past three and a half years.  I would also like to blog at least once a week.  I don't know what these blogs will be about and I don't even know if I will be able to find things worthwhile to blog about.  I wouldn't want my blogs to be like this introductory one, all about me, because I'm not that interesting of a subject.  But I'm not political or academic or a frequent cook.  I hope, however, that if I try and stick to this resolution I could find things to write about that other people might want to read.  I'm studying architecture and I could find an architect and examine his/her style and what I think about it.  I love to bake (although I don't as often as I would like) and I could write about my exploits in trying a new dish.  I could read a new book and attempt to analyse it. 

There are many possibilities out there and I'll never get any better or go anywhere if I don't jump in. 

On that note, I am thinking about not sharing the link to this new blog until I (a) decide which site to blog on (do I really want to use Google?) or (b) start writing about somewhat significant things.  I don't want to start a blog simply because my boyfriend did and then abandon it within a week or something.

My next post (my first post not all about me, me, me) will probably be on our "dinner party" tomorrow night.  I have a friend who helped us find our apartment and, as a thank you, we have invited him over for dinner.  As my boyfriend is a cook and I am a baker, the dessert fell to me.  And what a dessert it will be!  Once I decide what I am making...  The current options are Brownie Mosaic Cheesecake, Chocolate Caramel Cheesecake, and Cappuccino Fudge Cheesecake, all of which come from Smitten Kitchen, a food blogging site I am absolutely in love with.

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